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impression sur tissu en nylon

Printing on nylon is a fun and really interesting way to put funky patterns onto pieces for clothing, bags or anything else made from this specific material. The material is compatible with printing and this alone justifies a wide use of nylon fabric. This is because it is a hardy and durable material that will wear for years to come — if you use them properly. Second, it has a very light weight so that we can wear or carry. Nylon fabric repels water, making it excellent for items that might get wet. In this post, we will look at everything to know about nylon and how you can print on it with the most suitable way along with some helpful tips for outstanding results.

One of the best features are about nylon fabric which has become a great necessity for printing industries. Due to its strength-to-weight ratio, nylon is great. It can hold up to a lot of damage, which is why you see it used in bags and clothing. One very cool thing about nylon is that it absorbs color really well, so the prints are super bold and vibrant. Really good for those who loves to make a stand out and playful designs.

    The process of printing on nylon fabric

    Being resistive to water is another key benefit of nylon fabric. This means it can be dried soon and does not get spoilt easily by water (0). This makes nylon great for products such as swimwear, outdoor gear or anything you plan on getting wet. Thus, if you have the intent of creating something that should look good and last under any weather condition then nylon fabric is your go-to guy.

    If we print on nylon fabric then a particular process is followed so that the design will not peel off and looks good. It is essential that you wash the fabric since it could be covered in dirt, dust or even oil. This is also necessary as it helps the ink in printing to get a grip. Stretch the fabric over a frame or secure it against a flat surface to ensure that your prints remain in place even when you print with them after washing.

    Why choose SULY Textile printing on nylon fabric?

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