هناك سبب يجعل ماليزيا معروفة بأنها الأجمل بين الدول الأخرى التي تتمتع بطقس حار ورطب طوال العام. نظرًا للمناخ الاستوائي، يمكن أن يكون الجو مشمسًا بشكل خاص في ماليزيا ولكن تفضيل السترات أثناء الطقس البارد منتشر إلى حد ما بين السكان المحليين. هل تساءلت يومًا ما هي المواد التي يستخدمونها لصنع السترات في ماليزيا؟ في هذه المقالة، نتعرف على أفضل 3 مزودي أقمشة السترات في ماليزيا وأقمشتهم الفريدة.
أفضل 3 ماركات لأقمشة السترات في ماليزيا
العلامة التجارية The first we want to feature. It is a company from Japan and have been in Malaysia for quite some time. That means they are experts of cotton, polyester, and a few other synthetic blends including nylon/spandex. Popular jacket brands in Malaysia use these materials ensuring that the jackets themselves are durable and will serve their purpose for quite some time.
العلامة التجارية ب would be another good company to mention. This company makes fabrics dedicated to sportswear, which also means jackets. They make all sorts of fabrics for outdoor type activities including hiking, skiing and other fun things. Their materials are made to move with you, so that your time in the outdoors is not only enjoyable but comfortable.
العلامة التجارية C The company, which is known for creating fabrics from natural fibres such as wool and cotton. The fabrics they use are extremely soft and very luxurious, those make really good for fancy jackets with a stylish appearance. These are not only beautiful types of things but also easy to wear.
نظرة فاحصة
في هذا المنشور، نقوم بدراسة العديد من هذه الشركات الرائعة عن كثب لنرى ما تقدمه إلى عالم النسيج.
العلامة التجارية is a leading global producer of textiles! This company has lots of sturdy polyester and nylon fabrics, perfect for making a jacket. They have a variety of fabrics but what makes them standout is spandex which very stretchable and comfortable. Use lightweight stretch jersey fabric in this buttonhole to make sure these are great if you will wear them for e.g. exercising or sports type of jacket.
العلامة التجارية ب conversely bend over backwards to get all of the fabrications just right so you can relax & enjoy time in the great outdoors. They have also engineered fabrics that are lightweight and breathable. So that air can flow through the fabric, and why this is so important when you are hiking/skiing/doing outside activities where staying warm but able to move around easily means something.
العلامة التجارية C is also responsible for producing some excellent feeling, soft fabrics. They make fabrics ideal for high shit jackets and only utilize premium natural fibers. What this essentially means is that their fabrics are not only beautiful to look at but also tough and durable enough to be worn comfortably, leading them a solid option for where they can deliver some quality on the jacket quest.
كبار صناع النسيج
In these 3 huge companies leading the jacket fabric industry in Malaysia Best Experienced and Skilled: They know what to put into the making of jackets here so there is adequate experience with plenty of knowledge as well. They have been used by many high-end jacket brands in Malaysia, because of its strongness, comfortability and long-lasting fabrics.
أين يمكن العثور على أقمشة السترات
إذا كنت متحمسًا لصنع سترتك بنفسك، فهذا أمر رائع، ولكن من أين يمكنك الحصول على القماش حتى لو كان في ماليزيا. الجانب الإيجابي هو أن هذه الشركات الثلاث تبيع أقمشتها في أكثر من 50 متجرًا في جميع أنحاء ماليزيا. من الطبيعي أن تجد أقمشتها في المتاجر المتخصصة في الأقمشة الرياضية والأقمشة الفاخرة وبعض المنسوجات اليومية.
TO SUM IT UP, The top 3 jacket fabric makers in Malaysia. For your crafty people who want to make your own jacket, do check out their fabrics in a lot of stores all around Malaysia. Now get your creative juices flowing streams. What a beautiful jacket you can create with this stunning fabric and whenever u wear it, I bet that your eyes will twinkle to see something unique which is made directly by yourself!